An Evolving Life. Solar Energy.

An Evolving Life. Solar Energy.

Solar Energy

Getting through the winter here on the East End can be a challenge. So getting away is required to maintain one’s sanity for those of us who live here year-round, This year, however, I hesitated when it came time to plan a vacation. The first week of February is usually the time my husband and I head for Costa Rica.

After my calamitous trip to Sonoma during the wildfires in October, and now with the coronavirus spreading across continents, I’m anxious about traveling maybe for the first time. So sadly, we held off this year and will be resorting to Florida later this month.

Hopefully, I will regain the traveling bug before too long. There was a time when I travelled fearlessly, sleeping on trains, on benches, anywhere I could rest my sleepy head. And I loved speaking to strangers wherever I landed—-as evidenced in Making Contact, my series about street life in New York City.

So instead of heading toward the Equator, I headed into my studio for some art therapy this week and finished this pastel started at life drawing a few weeks ago. Although virtual reality doesn’t compare to soaking up the Pacific sun, channeling the solar energy on winter beach walks—here on the Atlantic Coast—to create this piece did warm me up a bit...

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Solar Energy

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Mensa Mominu.  He’s smart. (He’s a rat.)

Mensa Mominu. He’s smart. (He’s a rat.)

Just Folks. On Super Bowl Sunday.

Just Folks. On Super Bowl Sunday.