An Evolving Life. LUMIERE.


As we begin to enjoy the extra hour of sunlight bestowed upon us today, I’m rejoicing with the release of a new photographic series called LUMIERE. Light, the omnipresent energy that supports us— thus supporting all we revere in life and in art .

Ironically for years I shunned sunsets and sunrises as cliche—for tourists, just not interesting enough to me as an artist.

This cynicism, however, was due to my own lack of perspective, not inherent in the subject itself. I had not yet imagined a way to portray its force, it’s strength, its omniscient, fluorescent beauty.

On a recent trip to Costa Rica, where the sun dips down each evening over the Pacific and the entire Playa Guiones community gathers to celebrate the event, I surprised myself. One evening toward the end of my stay, my legs carried me into the surf toting my camera. There I discovered a way to slow down the sun, elongate its energy and basically stretch out the moment. Now I can savor the sight and bathe in its beauty over and over again…

Please click on the image to enlarge.

If you would like to see more in this series of 12, click here or above on LUMIERE.

Warm Seas.An Evolving Life is a Hummingbird series in which Meryl Spiegel shares her journey to become the creative person that was hidden within herself for so long. Meryl chose this image, Warm Seas, from her SPLASH series, to represent An Evolvin…

Warm Seas.

An Evolving Life is a Hummingbird series in which Meryl Spiegel shares her journey to become the creative person that was hidden within herself for so long. Meryl chose this image, Warm Seas, from her SPLASH series, to represent An Evolving Life.

Editor's Note

I have had the good fortune of knowing Meryl Spiegel for many years.  We met during my BNB days when she was referred to me as a resource for a specific type of photography I was searching for.  I also knew her as a writer.  Over the years, I have been impressed with Meryl’s talent and creativity, and the honesty of her work.  When Meryl began to sketch, paint, work with pastels, she truly overlaid one talent on top of another. The layers were intriguing. I reached out to Meryl recently because I thought that the Hummingbird audience would appreciate her work, and value her process.  They say that timing is everything, and in this case it was, because Meryl was thinking about not only “showing” her work, but writing about it too.  In our new series, An Evolving Life, Meryl will share the stages, challenges, and meaning of her art, and the journey that coincides with the pieces she highlights.  Sandra Novick

Link here to galleries of Meryl Spiegel's work on her website and on instagram

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