Musings & Threads. Fortune Cookie Writers

Musings & Threads. Fortune Cookie Writers

Fortune Cookie Writers and the Like

What’s this world coming to?

Last year around this time, I wrote a piece about fortune cookies. It was prompted by a great fortune I received. You know the kind… deep and meaningful… for pretty much anybody that opened it.

After a long hiatus, we had Chinese food again recently, and I brought the fortune cookies to the table, placing two next to my husband to open and read, his first and then mine.

WELL! I don’t know who to complain to, but after the year we’ve had, I think my fortune might actually constitute emotional abuse.


Here is what it said. “Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”

I was like, WTF!!! What does this mean? Why did I get this fortune? Was it really meant for me… ME? (I know, people that know me, you can stop laughing and pick yourselves off the floor now. Although it is hysterically funny, right?)

So then I was wondering if the fortune cookie fortune writers couldn’t keep their spirits up to sufficiently to write quick and witty sayings that mean nothing.. and now there are special, depressing fortunes resulting from the pandemic and the pain of this year. Was this a joke of some kind? A fortune like this kind of ruins the moment, don’t you think? So then I was thinking it’s probably not good marketing for the restaurant and wondered if we will go back there. ☺ Ah… life.

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