Just Folks.  South Dakota.

Just Folks. South Dakota.

Exploring South Dakota

Travels with Tina.
Feeding the creative process. Food for the soul.

We began our recent “open road” journey in South Dakota. Deadwood has a colorful history, first settled as a coal mining community which brought settlers, economic prosperity, gangsters, lawmen, saloons and brothels, along with the coal mining. Folklore legends Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, and other larger than life Wild West notables were buried in Deadwood, at Mt. Moriah Cemetery.

Surrounded by the beautiful Black Hills, we were awestruck by Mt.Rushmore. The idea of a crew up several thousand feet exploding sections of rock away to allow for detailed carving of all four presidential portraits is unimaginable. The Badlands, Custer State National Park and the Black Hills were very different from the Southwest, where I had visited before.

I found that driving for miles across expansive and varied landscape, big sky, and Native American territory cast a deep sense of calm over us that only nature can invoke. And, as the yin yang of life would have it, threaded through all this wonderful terrain in South Dakota were road warriors on motorcycles headed for the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, weaving a rough cultural thread through our experience....

Upon returning home, I continue to be inspired by the sights, colors, and contrasts, and I am drawn to the time stamps, mail art, “journalogue” aspects of assimilating them, as it begins to come together.

Please click on the image below to enlarge.

South Dakota

View more of Tina's work in her Hummingbird Gallery  and on instagram.  

Prints of selected images are available for sale.  For further information, please contact Tina Folks directly at Tina Folks or through Hummingbird by clicking here

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