New Beginnings & Cherished Memories

New Beginnings & Cherished Memories

New Beginnings & Cherished Memories

The fourth series in the Dusty Town sequence

A Spare Room in the Back of the Store. Episode 7

July 1, 1899

Caleb Nelson stopped by today and we sat on the porch and talked for a while. He still owns the general store in town and is still sweeping out the dust that swirls into it every day, imagine that! His wife is gone now and he intends to hold on to working the store for as long as he can. His three children have long since moved away and are grandparents now and they ain’t ever comin’ back as Mr. Nelson puts it. I remember Mr. Nelson from my childhood and then when Ma called me back to Kansas, and there he was yet still, sweeping out his store. 

It was late morning when Nelson stopped by. He knocked quietly and Jacob looked through Maddie’s kitchen curtains and saw him standing on the front porch. At first, Jacob couldn’t place him, and then, he remembered him as if it were yesterday and went outside to greet him.

“Mr. Nelson! I can’t believe it! Tell me you are still working the general store! Sweeping too I’ll bet! How you been, sir?”

“Jacob, call me Caleb, you’re a grandpa yourself now. Things are fine, Harriet died a few years back but I’m fine and the store is fine. I been waiting for you to get down to see the place so I thought I’d just drop by and save you the trip.”

“Sorry Mr. Nelson, I mean Caleb, I know it’s already been a month that I’m back but I’m still a little bit unsettled.”

“No need to apologize son, no need. How’s it going, being back and all?”

“Well, it’s been good. It’s nice to be with my family again, spend time with the grandkids and see y’all again. It’s just different. Takes some gettin’ used to I reckon.”

“That’s the way it is a lot of times, Jacob, you know. So much changes in this world, even here where it seems like time forgets us, but it’s all changing nonetheless.”

“Why don’t you set a while Caleb. Got some of Betty Lou’s homemade pecan pie and lemonade waitin’ on us.”

“Well, don’t mind if I do Jacob. That’s mighty kind of you!

“You know, I did want to chat a bit about the town newspaper the womenfolk have been thinking of starting. I’ve got a spare room in the back of the store that you all could use and when the store’s not busy I’d love to help. I have an old typeset machine that might work.”

Jacob was speechless as he remembered Maddie’s and Betty Lou’s long ago dream of starting a newspaper. Maddie kept a journal and liked to write and the two best friends thought it would be a great idea to have a town newspaper. “From Our Front Porch” was what they were gonna call it, but then Maddie got sick and their dream had seemingly died with her until Willie brought it up again when Jacob was still in the city.

“Turn of the century is what Betty Lou and Sue were thinking if I remember correctly,” Nelson finished.

“Yes, I reckon that’s right,” Jacob quietly replied. And he went inside to fetch the refreshments, smiling to himself and thinking, maybe, just maybe, Maddie’s dream was on its way to coming true.

Read Prior Episodes of New Beginnings & Cherished Memories

Starting Over Again in Kansas. Episode 1
Nothing’s Changes. Everything’s Changes. Episode 2
Knowing What to Do When the Time Comes. Episode 3
Still Plenty of Sweet Living Left for Them. Episode 4
Morning Light. Episode 5
”You can’t count how much we all love you.” Episode 6
A Spare Room in the Back of the Store. Episode 7 (This one)

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