The Price of Hatred and Division

The Price of Hatred and Division

The Price of Hatred and Division 

January 7, 2021. The text message came in shortly before 8 AM this morning. It was from a long-time friend not feeling very good about the events which played out yesterday in Washington, D.C. To be honest, I don’t feel very good about them either.

Yesterday’s violence, like the violence and rioting that have been almost commonplace in our country over the last year, perhaps was brought about by genuine felt injustices, or perhaps by fringe elements running amok and taking up others in their wake, or even perhaps by anti-government extremists fomenting chaos, or some other reason, or a combination of things. We can’t know for certain as we don’t know whose word to trust anymore or what information is credible. This is troubling on many levels, but the most troubling may be that no one seemingly wants to do much of anything to help put out the fires of hatred and division that are devastating our nation. Sadly, our leaders fuel the fires, the news media spreads them and social media gives everyone a platform and a voice. And so it goes.

To me, it is a question of right and wrong, but not right and wrong as to which side of the spectrum is right or wrong. Hatred and division, no matter where they come from or who they come from, are wrong, especially in a country founded upon principles of liberty and justice for all. We will never all agree on anything. It has been that way in the world since the beginning of time, but along the way in this country we have chosen fanatical sides on things both big and small and no good has come of it or will come of it. The hatred and division have been tried and they have failed. They are wrong and they should always fail.

It is time to take the spotlight off ourselves and how we feel we have been wronged or done in or offended. We must begin to do what we can to work with people we disagree with and don’t like rather than openly hate them and kick them to the curb. We must begin to work with each other in a kind way and without surrendering what we know in our hearts to be right.

We must look to help those who have been tossed aside. Many folks are trying everything they can think of to get a job and sadly have not yet succeeded. They and their families need our help. Many are alone in this world of quarantine and are not doing well. They could use a kind word, some encouragement, and we should find a way to help them too. So many people all around us could use our help in one way or another.

Hatred and division are powerful things once they have taken hold, passed from parents to children, among friends and neighbors and coworkers. Oh I know that our country survived a civil war, when times may have been more divisive and hateful than today and when it was still a very young country, and that afterwards both North and South worked together despite their differences. Though it seems dark now, we must get past this too and see Republicans and Democrats work together again. I would like to say that there will be better days for our country, but I don’t feel I can say that confidently right now. All I can think of right now is that America could perish one day.

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