Good Books!

Good Books!

Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson

It took me at least a quarter of this novel to embrace the story and Robinson’s unique writing style.  My appreciation of this straightforward yet deep story line grew slowly, however, by its finish, my attachment to the character was so deep that I wept for his heartache. 

It is likely that this man’s narrative, which addresses his young son as his life draws to a close, reflects much of what I see in the lives of my elderly parents.  It is likely that I identified with the challenges he faced that were similar to my own.  The cavernous reflection on one’s life prior to death is deeply moving, and the character is simple yet spiritual, clean, and honest.  I was sad to leave him behind when the book came to a close.  This fiction is indeed Pulitzer Prize worthy.

Review by Janet T. Verneuille

Emerging Writers:  New Historical Fiction by Mary Ann DiLorenzo

Emerging Writers: New Historical Fiction by Mary Ann DiLorenzo

Women of a Certain Age:  The Hair Color Dilemma

Women of a Certain Age: The Hair Color Dilemma