Just Folks. The Honeydew Martini. Happy Father's Day

Just Folks. The Honeydew Martini. Happy Father's Day

The Honeydew Martini. Happy Father’s Day!

 Sunday, June 19th is National Martini Day and I think there’s a lighthearted connection to be made with Father’s Day.

We’re all familiar with the Honey-do-list. After I discovered this special Midori martini, it inspired an idea to combine these two special days in a sketch.  How about a symbol, a reward or acknowledgement for all the completed household tasks we request of our spouses or male partners, Fathers or not?

Among the long list of honey-do tasks in our household, my husband Bryan manages the maintenance of our cars, the feeding  of our 4 feral cats, and remembering which alternate Wednesdays are cardboard or plastic recycling days,  He goes to Karl Ehmer’s Butcher each week, with his own list of our favorite things and comes home with a few extra surprises. All of this without a honey-do-list from me!

So..I’d like to propose a toast today to all of the men, who  complete those household tasks without our requests or urgings. To the ordinary “to-do’s” that keep our day-to-day lives functioning and comfortable, and tasks that are often taken for granted. Cheers to you Gentlemen and Happy Father’s Day!

Please click here for the Honeydew Martini recipe as well as the traditional dry vodka martini if your Dad or you are so inclined.

The Honeydew Martini. Happy Father’s Day!

View more of Tina's work on her website, Hummingbird Gallery  or on instagram.  

Prints of selected images are available for sale.  For further information, please contact Tina Folks directly at Tina Folks or through Hummingbird by clicking here

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