On a Summer Breeze

On a Summer Breeze… 

When Dreams Come Alive 

From my earliest childhood days, I have always loved summer. To me, on a summer breeze all things were possible. To this day, I get that same exact feeling every single summer. As a child, our summer days were spent free of school, free of cares, free from all the things we would have to face sooner or later as we grew older. Those childhood summer days seemed like they would last forever, until fall ushered school in once again and they would end until next year. And to this day, I get an almost sort of restlessness inside, waiting on summer, as if it still meant freedom from all the things that life now contained. It’s almost a fooling myself, a taking a trip back in time to days long gone and never coming again, but yet I do it every year, year after year after year, as if school were going to end and summer would be all mine and carefree once again!

Alas, of course it isn’t so! But on a summer breeze doesn’t one’s dream call ever the more? The season of impossible becoming possible lives every year, but do we still allow ourselves the space to hear it? Do we even have dreams anymore? Are our lives all about our own personal hamster wheels, turning and turning the same way every day, day after day after day? Why have we stopped encouraging someone else in following their dreams? Have we lost the sense of wonder of the impossible actually coming true?

When I was a child, I remember seeing a movie where a character told another, ‘Don’t stomp on someone else’s dream just because it ain’t yours!’ And it made such an impression on me that I remember it still to this day. I thought about that again not too long ago, when someone’s dream was snuffed out.

Dreams are very fragile things, aren’t they? They can hang on for many years sometimes by the thinnest of threads and the slimmest of hopes. We can keep them close so others don’t make fun of our seemingly ridiculous ideas. We can rationalize the always existing bits of doubt away in our heads and in our hearts. And, in days of feeling all hope lost, we ourselves can crush them, just like that. Maybe we are resilient and breathe them back to life again. Or maybe we let them die for the last time.

Someone I worked with had a dream and he was going to go for it after many years of holding on to it, though seeming the ship had sailed to not only everyone around him but to him at times too. However, his perseverance was rewarded and he was on track to finally achieve his dream. One day he was told he wasn’t good enough, he would never succeed. And it just crushed him. All the hope that arrived on that summer breeze was gone. And he couldn’t get it back. So fragile are dreams, even on the verge of being so close to attainment, oh so fragile are they!

We ought to encourage our friends’ dreams, let them dream, support them, and surely don’t add to any doubt they already have. All of you with dreams, let’s keep them alive on the summer breeze this year. Hold tight to them. If they are for you, they will come true, be it in two days or twenty years, and if not, you will find a better one, one intended just for you. Listen to your heart, deep down inside you, you will know. Fight the doubt you have, don’t listen to the naysayers. Most of all, remember all things are possible if you keep believing. And for those of you who have lost hope and given up on your dreams, dreams can come alive again, on a summer breeze. Click here to help recapture the feeling. Summer Breeze by Seals & Crofts.

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