Afternoon Reflection.  Post 23.

Afternoon Reflection. Post 23.

Afternoon Reflection. Something drawn from literature, journalism, music, or conversation that could have meaning for you.

Dickey Betts. “Ramblin’ Man.”

I was sorry to learn that Dickey Betts passed away. Man, could he make a guitar sing. His "licks" with Duane Allman were nothing short of extraordinary. What a talent.

This morning my wife and I took our dog out for our "long" walk, and Betts was our topic of conversation. We talked about his place in the Allman Brothers Band, and his hit song, Ramblin' Man, the Band's biggest hit ever. Betts brought Southern Rock to a whole new level. He finessed the genre in a way that changed and in the view of many elevated it. Betts has said that Ramblin' Man is the "true story." I know I'll be listening to it again in the next days.

I also read that Betts was honored with a mention in Bob Dylan's Murder Most Foul. “Play Oscar Peterson, play Stan Getz/Play ‘Blue Sky,’ play Dickey Betts.”

The NYT notes that "when friends called him about the shout-out, Mr. Betts was deeply honored, he said, but also embarrassed. 'I would say, Well, he just used me because it rhymes with Getz.’” I think it was an apt tribute.

My wife asked me what song comes to mind when I think of Dickey Betts. I answered, of course, Ramblin' Man, but I agree with Bob Dylan, the one that comes next to mind is the one I've been thinking about today. Betts' classic, Blue Sky. Here it is. Click here to listen.

Musings & Threads.  Confessions of a Serial Napper.

Musings & Threads. Confessions of a Serial Napper.

Just Folks.  Apr 20.

Just Folks. Apr 20.