Musings & Threads. Aging (not so) Gracefully

Musings & Threads. Aging (not so) Gracefully

Aging (not so) Gracefully

“Getting old is not for sissies.” I have said this very thing to at least 4 friends and family members in the past month and it is the absolute truth. It is also a statement that I pepper with various expletives not suitable for this post. I have never been vain, but man oh man - some days I look in the mirror or at a picture of myself and think to myself “why do my eyes look so squinty now” or “when did these jowls start to sag” or even the ever so horrifying “when did my neck start to wrinkle?” It happened slowly and suddenly all at once and that is the scary part. The hormones slowly slow down and weight and wrinkles quickly creep up. Even my hands look older (“old”, in my brain when I think about it). I look at my hands and think “my hands look like my mother’s hands.” A good and bad thing all at the same time.

Let’s talk about the weight gain and miscellaneous and sundry aches and pains now, shall we? Well, on second thought. That’s really all that needs to be said about that isn’t it……How about how men tend to look better with that touch of grey (grey highlights on me, as I like to call them) and wrinkles around their eyes. It’s even sexy, (insert expletive string here and be creative!).

Don’t get me wrong. I feel grateful and privileged to still be here to complain and commiserate about getting old, but at times, it’s all a tough pill to swallow. Looking at the younger me and the older me I think mostly about my eyes, oddly. My eyes used to be my “thing.” The “thing” that drew men to me like moths to a flame. The big sparkling green eyes that apparently beckoned men to come talk to me from across a crowded bar as a young, single woman. The eyes with perfect, not-wrinkled eyelids that I batted at men as a woman looking for my soul mate, my lifetime partner. The husband who would forever tell me that my eyes are beautiful just as my heart is (for the record, I snagged that one). Or maybe it was my boobs that attracted men to me? Either way, both of these physical attributes have begun the journey south - paradoxically like old people moving from New York to Florida.

It happened slowly and suddenly all at once I feel. It’s because of this that I say “getting old is not for sissies.” I will share this advice given to me as a young woman in my 20s at a Mary Kay party, when Mary Kay parties were a “thing.” Use a good, moisturizer and eye cream. “Apply moisturizer in an upward motion to give yourself a daily facelift.” She had perfect skin and may have been 108 years old at the time for all I know. I should have listened. Man, I should have listened. There was no advice for boobs from the ancient Mary Kay lady, unfortunately.

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