The Team

When I came up with this concept, I discussed it with some of my friends and family.  Mostly they were supportive, and wanted to learn more about what I envisioned, and how I planned to execute.  They gave me ideas and recommendations.  They helped me pare down, not the vision, but the focus, to make it manageable.  What we all agreed upon is that the content had to be "killer."  That is not to say cutting edge necessarily, but it could be.  It needed to evoke deeper thought and comment. It had to be unique and real, and meaningful.  It had to be smart.  So over the last half year or so, while I continued to cultivate the concept and its execution, I approached people that I knew personally that I knew could deliver quality content and who would enjoy the this expanded "conversation."  It was gratifying that each of the individuals I approached said "yes" as soon as I described the mission.  Some even said yes before I could finish my "sale."  That makes me think we have a good idea here.  I hope you think so too.  These are the amazing, talented team members responsible for the content.  They include, writers, real estate brokers, book publishers, bankers, ad-ladies, singers, artists, quilters, social activists and much more.  We do all love delicious food.

Our Contributors and Authors

Sandra K. Novick, Founder, Editor, Blogger

Angela M. Rieck, Associate Editor, Blogger, Emerging Writer

Alex Ferrone

Ann V. Pogue

Barry Novick

Donna Wetjen

Janet Greenfield

Janet T. Verneuille

John Miller, DVM

Lynda Bernard

Mary Ann DiLorenzo

Meryl Spiegel

Nicole Emmi

Raina Rubin

Sarah Ehrenson

Tina Folks

Tony Meisel

Special Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Angela Rieck who not only saw my vision, but jumped right in by wowing me the next day with a short story that became the genesis of Emerging Writers.  She continues to help me build the concept, and gives sage editorial and usability advice.  Thanks Tony Meisel for working through not quite 100 versions of the logo and favicon.  Thank you Pat Snyder, past Executive Director of East End Arts, for saying "yes" when I asked you to create the hummingbird graphic for our logo--in your spare time.  And thanks Arin Lavinia, the best friend, daughter, sounding board and editor I could have.  I know I can always count on you to tell me if I have spinach on my teeth.

Charleston. A Whirlwind Visit.

Charleston. A Whirlwind Visit.

Musings & Threads. Bruno's Story.

Musings & Threads. Bruno's Story.