Good Books!

Good Books!

Bruno, Chief of Police, by Martin Walker

Set in a small town along the River Vézère in the beautiful, historical and epicurean center of the Périgord region of France, the tranquility of daily life is set spinning by the brutal murder of an elderly Algerian French World War II hero.

The investigation of his death by Bruno and his team reveals many sordid and harsh truths about French life that have existed since the German occupation.  Bruno is a layered, well developed, and highly likable character.  His approach to life and work reveal the complexity and resulting social ramifications stemming from the racial and ethnic tensions that continue to simmer below the surface.

This is the first in the Bruno, Chief of Police series.  Walker is a prolific, and very talented author of not only this series, but other works of both fiction and non fiction.  I, for one, am looking forward to reading the books that follow this one in the Bruno, Chief of Police series, and I am hopeful that someone who likes me will read this review and buy me a few for the holidays.  I highly recommend!

Review by Barry Novick

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Emerging Writers: The Secret, by Angela Rieck

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Travel Series: Key West, The People.